The recent cholera outbreak in Mbale has cast a somber shadow over the region as two individuals tragically lost their lives to...
Tarehe Sita: In a remarkable display of unity and dedication, the Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) recently undertook a transformative initiative, bringing...
With just a little effort in selecting his betting slip, this super winner happily opened his 2024 account with a 404 million...
It was happiness in the skies, as ForteBet-Alex Muhangi soccer tour stepped foot in Nateete, Kampala, and an experience that left punters overjoyed. The excitement,...
In a shocking turn of events, a tragic incident took place in Tororo, where a police officer reportedly shot and killed his...
In a remarkable show of determination and bravery, a nine-year-old child from Nakasero Primary School, Ruth Precious Kharunda, on Monday created a...
ForteBet punters from Kyazanga, Lyantonde, Kinoni, Ssembabule, Maddu, and Ggomba were treated to an exciting weekend after unexpectedly getting lots of gifts from...
In a recent development that has sent shockwaves through the local community, a boda boda rider in Mukono district has been taken into...
ForteBet clients in Mbale, Nakaloke and Kapchorwa may never forget last weekend after bagging lots of gifts. Over 1000 clients received at...
In a recent development, the KCCA Valuation Court has officially commenced its proceedings to address and resolve property tax grievances. This significant...
President Museveni’s spiritual journey through family influence
Unraveling Mystery: Disappearance of two American teens and Katanga murder trial
Ugandan Government Ensures Swift Resolution To Vehicle Number Plate Shortage
Mary Nambwayo and Suuna Ben reunite: A new chapter unfolds
Seeking justice: St. Peter’s college Tororo demands answers for tragic loss
Overcoming decades of challenges at Kiteezi landfill: A roadmap to sustainable waste management
Remembering Joseph Tamale Mirundi: A legacy of unparalleled content creation
Unveiling the intriguing dynamics of friendship and allegations in high-profile relationships
Foreign affairs minister calls for probe into alleged Casino operation at Ugandan consulate in Dubai
Release of unclaimed Boda Bodas: A chance for owners to reclaim their lost rides