
Starbucks just made a major change to its Pumpkin Spice Latte

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Photo: Shutterstock

It’s official: Starbucks ’ pumpkin spice latte will officially be made with actual pumpkin.

Last year, popular blogger Vani Hari criticized Starbucks on her website Food Babe after discovering that the popular drink contained none of the namesake fruit and a lot of artificial ingredients.

“After reading the ingredients in the Pumpkin Spice Latte, I can tell you that there’s absolutely no pumpkin,” wrote Hari.

Starbucks announced on Monday that it would be using new ingredients to make the latte, including pumpkin puree.

“After hearing from customers and partners about ingredients, we took another look at this beverage and why we created it so many years ago,” Peter Dukes writes in a blog post on Starbucks’ website. “So, with that great taste you know and love, the PSL [pumpkin spice latte] returns this fall, and this time it will be made with real pumpkin and without caramel coloring.”

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