In a remarkable show of determination and bravery, a nine-year-old child from Nakasero Primary School, Ruth Precious Kharunda, on Monday created a...
ForteBet punters from Kyazanga, Lyantonde, Kinoni, Ssembabule, Maddu, and Ggomba were treated to an exciting weekend after unexpectedly getting lots of gifts from...
In a recent development that has sent shockwaves through the local community, a boda boda rider in Mukono district has been taken into...
ForteBet clients in Mbale, Nakaloke and Kapchorwa may never forget last weekend after bagging lots of gifts. Over 1000 clients received at...
In a recent development, the KCCA Valuation Court has officially commenced its proceedings to address and resolve property tax grievances. This significant...
In a recent address while addressing the nation on security, President Museveni powerful message directed towards the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) has...
In recent discussions, an air of concern has permeated among parents regarding the implementation of the new lower secondary competence-based curriculum. As...
The region of West Nile has been grappling with significant infrastructure challenges that hinder its progress and development. West Nile, nestled in...
In a devastating incident that has sent shockwaves through the sports community, Ugandan athlete Benjamin Kiplagat met an untimely demise when he...
Umeme, the leading electricity distribution company in Uganda, has reported that a significant number of electricity consumers, totaling over 31,000, are still...