Timothy J. Nyanzi, a stand-up comedian, writer, and director, embarked on his comedy journey in 2012 at Makerere University. Inspired by comedy...
Renowned Ugandan musician Toniks, also known as Allan Ampaire, delves into the underlying issue plaguing Uganda’s music industry, pointing out the prevalent...
Hajji Muhamad Kamoga, the founder of Kamoga Property Consultants, has officially announced that media personality Mary Nambwayo and her former partner, Suuna...
Rwandan artiste and content creator Sunny popularly known as sleeping beauty has advised Ugandan media personality Sheilah Gashumba to pray and fast....
Benking the artist, a Kenyan musician originally from Nyahururu and well known for being the rockstar figure in Nyandarua County, combines Kapuka,...
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