In the quest to conquer 2025, Beenie Gunter, the visionary CEO of Gun talk City, ignites the journey early with the release...
In an effort to breathe new life into the streets, the police have unveiled a groundbreaking plan to release a substantial number...
Stanbic Bank National Schools Championship has received widespread acclaim for its instrumental role in elevating the academic performance of students. This annual...
With just a little effort in selecting his betting slip, this super winner happily opened his 2024 account with a 404 million...
It was happiness in the skies, as ForteBet-Alex Muhangi soccer tour stepped foot in Nateete, Kampala, and an experience that left punters overjoyed. The excitement,...
ForteBet punters from Kyazanga, Lyantonde, Kinoni, Ssembabule, Maddu, and Ggomba were treated to an exciting weekend after unexpectedly getting lots of gifts from...
ForteBet clients in Mbale, Nakaloke and Kapchorwa may never forget last weekend after bagging lots of gifts. Over 1000 clients received at...
Christmas celebrations for Iganga ForteBet punters started on Saturday, in an unforgettable experience. It all started with a donation of mama kits...
It was thunderous as Fortebet closed the full-of-surprises 2023 with its dear customers in Karuma, Kiryandongo, Kigumba and Bweyale. This took place...
In Lira, two businessmen have been remanded and charged with five counts, marking a significant development in an ongoing legal case. The...